123Guestbook.com will be shutting down on the 1st of July. Learn more

3:41am 11-10-2023
Awesome website! I love crochet too <3 Keep up the good work
7:22pm 08-15-2023
Papa Bob Burgan
I've called you Layla Bug since you were born! Although I'm not proficient with computers in general, I think what you are doing is quite fascinating. You have found a way to make a wonderful contribution to a world of communication that is positive and creative. I hope like a budding flower this becomes a fully bloomed experience.
Love you always, Gramma Betty
6:17pm 08-15-2023
Papa Bob Burgan
I just knew you were this CREATIVE. So YOU, Layla Bug! I agree with you, we need to use the interweb like this more often.I've tried to do some blogs, but never this creative and colorful. They were more connected with my teaching experiences and philosophies. I can hardly wait to see more of your creative, analytical, and investigative entries. I'm your biggest FAN!
Carry On! More Power to you!
B#, Love, PapaBob
9:22pm 08-09-2023
I love your site! I was taking a peek at your knitting/crochet creations and I am so jealous of your talent! Every holiday season I get an itch to crochet something. I usually just end up making scarves, but last year I got brave and crocheted my husband a pair of shark slippers. They turned out pretty good if I do say so myself! Anyhow, I'm rambling haha I love your site and your knitting/crochet skills! Keep up the great work!

Aevisia @ www.thecozy.cat
6:50pm 07-23-2023
So cute! Love the Labyrinth music!
9:48pm 07-22-2023
This website is so cool! I also really love your cute ladybug corner button! I'm excited to see more updates! :3
3:04pm 07-19-2023
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12:56pm 07-19-2023
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9:53pm 07-18-2023

I really hope your soul just screamed it as loud as it could

What a cutie patootie of a website. I can see the potential if you're following along the other sites that you love. Pretty wild that you were able to get this up while doing the bootcamp too
9:18pm 07-18-2023
Stone Burgan
Wowee! One heck of a site you've got here, keep at it!